System Internetowej Rekrutacji

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001_05.gif {{bladE}}
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001_57.gif Registration
Choose recruitment

Attention, the registration in the IRK System is not enabled at the moment

Please select the recruitment

If you have Hotmail, outlook email address please change to different one


incorrect PESEL number
PESEL plays an important role in the IRK system. Before you proceed, please make sure it is correct.

The correct date format is DD-MM-YYYY

The correct date format is DD-MM-YYYY
the password should contain at least 6 characters!
the password is different from the password repeated!
Dotyczy legitymacji doktoranta
I want a student's card (additional fee - see the webpage):
Complete the type of the secondary school-leaving exam
type of secondary school-leaving exam:

Please tick the recruitment or configure the types of secondary school-leaving exam

Complete the basic personal data
The correct date format is DD-MM-YYYY
Phone numbers: Phones enable fast contact with the candidate, make sure the entered numbers are correct
Please give the phone number with the area code.
For foreign phones alo with the area code of the country.
Not selected citizenship
I am a foreigner
I am

Please tick the option I agree to enter the Internet recruitment process

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